Where we stand on AI

  • We don’t use generative AI
  • We don’t train AI on your words
  • All of our art is painted by humans, our words written by humans
  • Tools are powerful, and we will continue to use and make tools that help us write

The written word is worth protecting

There is a magic to the human spirit, a spark that alludes definition. That spark must be protected.

Part of that spark lives in the words we write, in the stories we tell, in the art we create.

To write like a human is easy to copy.
To write with the spark of humanity is not.

Writing is a painstaking labor of love where each word carries with it the weight of a life lived. A life stumbled, felt, experienced, internalized, and then shared. We don't place words in the right order as much as we attempt to piece together emotions into some mosaic so that others may grasp at a sense of what was felt.

As much as we might attempt to hide it, our written words are a reflection of the human spark within us.

As well as a large language model that has vacuumed trillions of words may emulate the written word, it has yet to capture the human spark that is the foundation upon which those words sit.

We must protect that foundation.

We must continue to kindle the human spark.

We must continue to write.

As a software company made for writers by writers, using technology to help people write, we see the merits cutting edge technologies can unlock. Machine learning is a powerful technology. But generative AI, fueled by the stolen sparks of millions, is not a technology we endorse.

We will continue to use technology to help us write. But we must be the ones to do the writing.

We must continue to fan the flames of creation, of creativity, of the human spark.

We must continue to write.